
This website is provided by the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue. It includes information in Dutch and French regarding OSH issues, including the legislative framework, national strategy and programmes, OSH infrastructure, national competent bodies, education, training and awareness raising. The English version of the site is not available.
Posting of workers
This website is provided by the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue. It includes information in English regarding: concept and formalities of posting; working conditions; liason offices and labour inspectorate; worker employed in Belgium by an employer established in another country; the well-being of workers. The section “The well-being of workers” includes the Belgian legislation and the Belgian National Strategy on Wellbeing at Work 2016-2020. It includes information in Dutch, French and German regarding regulation of work, employment contract, remuneration, non-discrimination and diversity, posting, restructuring, social dialogue, leave, well-being at work, employment, unemployment, feasible and manageable work.